Jay Cutler - 4x Mr. Olympia
Jay Cutler - 4x Mr. Olympia

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IFBB Professional, Jay Cutler, is bodybuilding's most recognized and personable athlete. IFBB 2010, 2009, 2007 & 2006 Mr. Olympia, IFBB 2002, 2003, & 2004 Arnold Classic Champion and IFBB 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, & 2011 Mr. Olympia Runner Up.

I was born in Worcester Ma about 50 miles west of Boston. My family resided in a town called Sterling Ma which at the time consisted of 6500 people. I was the youngest of seven, 3 brother, 3 sisters.

My parents both worked to support such a large family and often it was my sisters who looked after my other sister and I. I was very active but learned a lot of responsibility at an early age. Tasks were given for household chores and we all stayed busy with work as well as school.

I was never active among sports until I got in to h.s., so I preferred to play among the neighborhood kids and began working for my 3 brothers concrete company at age 11.
Working the family business allowed me not only to make great money, but also experience the importance of work ethic and how to work toward something. I developed my body lugging concrete forms around thru weekends, school vacations, and summers. As much as I hated working so much, I really attribute this to my unmatched work ethic I face today.

In h.s. I began playing football and excelled well because of my speed and size, but my passion was really about weights and seeing how my body responded to weight training.
I had been breezing thru magazines since the age of 12 and realized I was fascinated by how muscular the body can become so at 18 I set down $300 on a Golds Gym membership in Worcester Ma and began my quest to become the best bodybuilder in the world. I competed in a couple competitions to get my feet wet and then went face first into the teen nationals in 1993, which I won my weight class there.
After my teen nats win, I received so much great publicity, I was really excited to pursue a career further. I had just graduated with my criminal justice degree, but I knew bodybuilding was my passion.
With Chris Aceto in my corner I went forward and won the Tournament of Champions in Ca, then onto the Nationals earning my pro card of my first attempt in 1996.
With a pro card in hand, a contract from the man Joe weider himself, I began becoming a businessman of bodybuilding and booking seminars and guest poses all around the world. Business was great and I was getting bigger and better.

1998 marked the year my girlfriend of 7 yrs Kerry Courtemanche and I got married in Las Vegas and we resided in Worcester with our cockerpoo Scrappy.
I began burning up the pro circuit in 1998, 1999 with no victories but and 11th place at the NOC in 98, then a 3rd and 4th place respectfully at the Iron man and Arnold Classic. I then went to the Mr.Olympia in 1999 and placed 15th.

In 2000 we packed up and headed to Ca to start a whole new life and continue my goal to be the best. We purchased a home in Aliso Viejo Ca I started off the year with a win at the NOC and then landed 8th at the Olympia and two consecutive 2nd place finishes in the European tour. This is when I knew I made it.
I signed a new endorsement deal in 2000 with a company called ISS Research and I decided to take the full year to train and focus on trying to win and Olympia from the current champ Ronnie Coleman

I was booked out every weekend doing appearances, my website was launched and my merchandising of shirts, pictures, dvds was becoming increasingly popular.
I had the best year training, eating and being in the best atmosphere than ever before. I made new friends in Ca and I was more focused than ever before. I spent 2 times a day in the gym splitting time between the World Gym in Lake Forest and the Crunch Fitness in Mission Viejo. I went full force into the Olympia and landed a very controversial 2nd to Ronnie.... But I was made. I was so excited. I finally made it so close!

After the O I decided to make a run at the Arnold's coming up. I knew I could win it if I was similar to my Olympia physique. Kerry and I then got our 2nd pet, and Airedale Terrier named Trace. We found a breeder in S.Cal and he joined his brother Scrappy in our Aliso Viejo home.
I went forward and won the Arnold's in 2002 and we decided to make a move to Las Vegas to focus on business and an Olympia title. We built a beautiful 3500 sq ft home in Summerlin LV and we packed up and settled in July 2002. I decided to skip the Olympia this year to focus on my business which was booming and also my real estate investments in LV. Chris and I decided to put our focus on 2003 and making a run to win every show I entered. I competed in the Iron man, Arnold, and SF Pro landing 1st place in all 3.
I took the whole summer to travel and then buckle down to train for the Olympia... I fell short getting second again, then 2 wins and 1 second in the Europe Tour and a 2nd place to Dexter Jackson at the Show of Strength. I made a huge move and signed a supplement contract with the biggest player in the industry at that time, Muscletech. I was now the most publicized bodybuilder in the world and momentum was climbing.

In 2004 I won the Arnold's and then 2nd at the Olympia again. I knew I was getting close and I was getting bigger and badder as Ronnie was fading.
I decided in 2005 to skip the Arnold's, I had one 3 yrs in a row, and focus on winning the O. Once again I came short and fell to second but I had Ronnies number I felt and I bet everything 2006 would be the year.
Fast forward thru intense training at Golds Gym Sahara location with crazy dead lifts, t bar rows and 200 lb dumbbell rows, I put together an unbeatable package and beat Coleman at his own game and won the Mr Olympia title in 2006 at 33 yrs old. I was ecstatic.
At this time a 3rd member of my family came to join Scrappy and Trace. Bodie, a rare breed black Airedale terrier became the next Cutler and boy he is a handful. Having 3 dogs wasn't easy but it was exciting to get him as I wanted another.

Being the new Mr O was an amazing experience, I was never so busy. We moved into a new home in Feb of 07, my dream home, 5500 sq ft just outside Summerlin. I took the whole spring and summer to hire a decorator and she made it to exactly what I wanted. I went on to win the O in the fall of 2007 but not without difficulty from an improved Victor Martinez
I went into 2008 with great training and mind set 2007 was too close. I wanted to be better than ever before and I trained like a beast. Unfortunately some last min miscalculations I lost the title to Dexter Jackson. I was devastated. I had it and let it go. I screwed up and gave him the title. My back was against the wall, I knew if I was to continue I had to regroup and change a lot of things.
I took this down time to focus on launching the Cutler Athletics and Swole Monkey clothing line. I began distribution thru the jaycutler.com site store and it became surprisingly popular.

In 2009 I decided to switch nutrition advisers and hired Hany Rambod to help me win the title back. I did just that with a great training team of Brian Glynn and Ryan Chastian we forced my body into new growth and my best condition to date. It was historic.
I repeated in 2010 and continued to be more in demand than ever.I was able to ink a multi year deal with the biggest magazine in the bodybuilding market, Muscular Development. This exclusive deal led me to having greater publicity and the best images to be used in marketing. I began shooting every month with staff photographer Per Bernal in Venice Golds making me even more popular than I already was! I was traveling nonstop and decided to make another run at the Olympia in 2011.
Training in 2011 was going great, I was splitting time between Vegas and a condo in LA and getting train in at the famous Golds Gym. I had frequent training partner Eric Dilauro helping me out with my training. I thought I would be at my best ever for 2011.

In August we lost our Trace to a stroke which was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. I was devastated. He was 10 yrs old and had been with me since my first 2nd place in the 2001 Olympia.
If things couldn't get worse, I tore my left biceps during a photo shoot 2 weeks from the contest. I was hoping for the best and went into the show with positive thinking but the damage was done, not to mention I was up against a better Phil Heath that got 2nd to me the year prior. I lost the title and once again was knocked back to second.
I took the end of 2011 to regroup and focus on my future more. I knew I needed surgery but wasn't sure if I had another one in me.
I began to live my life as a normal person and ate the way I wanted and leaned down dramatically. I missed the stage but the effort to get up there I knew would be a task. I looked for friends and family more than ever at this time.

In Feb 2012 I opted for survey to repair the biceps. I wore a sling for 2 months and in the spring I began training light again with the mind set to maybe make a run at the O. As time progressed I realized it would be impossible to be 100 percent and I bailed on any hopes of a 2012 showing.
I put my focus on a new venture around the Olympia and teaming up with BPI Sports, I became an athlete and partner in the BPI brands EXT and Image Sports. The new partnership allowed me to no longer be a contracted athlete but rather a partner in a ever growing and largest 3rd party brand to GNC.
One month prior to the Olympia I lost my best friend I ever had my Scrappy passed away at 17 yrs old. I can't express even writing this how hard its been to lose what was like a child for me. I'm glad he was by my side all the years he was and I will never forget what is was like having him by my side. RIP Scrappy. I have announced I will be making a run to become Mr Olympia in 2013, my training is great and I'm getting back to the old me. I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week and getting in all my meals and supplements. I am traveling the USA on a huge tour in my Mobile Mansion, a 42 ft tour bus equipped with everything from kitchen, bath, and bedroom. I'm a man on a mission ands I don't stop till 2013 Olympia so stay tuned, the best is yet to come! You better believe it!

Train to be the BEST

Jay Cutler
Future 5 Time Mr. Olympia